Sunday, August 31, 2008

Baby June can roll!!!!

I think it is so funny when your baby does a new trick and as the proud parent you sometimes feel and act as if they were the first ever in the world to do it! Baby June can now roll from her back to her stomach... I know what your thinking, how advanced is she!!! Just kidding she is right on track, she is almost four months old and hitting all the "normal" milestones. Here are some of the "action" shots, the first picture was just a cute one so I put it in just for fun!


Autumn said...

Love your updates too!
Fun hanging with ya yesterday, stoked about your vacation! I want some headbands for Layne too!
I miss dad too! Thinking about him a lot lately, especially with the whole aunt Jackie thing. Also, I know he would of loved hanging with us in the RV!


So cute! I can't believe how old she looks. She is so adorable...just like your other 2!

The Mcclellan's said...

She is so cute. Ur so good at always catching her wide awake. I always get pics of brianna sleeping.

Allen Family said...

I'm so glad we're blog buds now too! Your kids are so adorable (and so advanced too hehehe--I'm totally the same way)!

Beth said...

she is a BEAUTIFUL baby!

Raquel Hardin said...

Hooray for June!! Sienna is still working on the fine art of rolling, not quite there yet- I guess it doesn't help that she's 17 pounds!! =) I love the new headbands, make me more and tell me how much you want for them. Also, just realized Shelby looks just like you and River and June are both Jacob! They are all so cute!

Jillonnie said...

I love my wife and kids so much!! I love this Blog... it lets me see all the great times we have as a family. Jillonnie is so talented!!! It is really amazing what she can do... Her talent and skills continue to excite me and impress me... It seems like every week she is trying something new.. and always succeeds.

Shelby always looks her best because Jillonnie loves to show off her skills with making Shelby's hair look amazing.

I guess I am the luck one in this Marriage... I found beauty, fell in love, then discovered she is an amazing cook and super crafty and talented.

I don't know any other Women who can bring it all to a marriage...
Sorry Friends... Jillonnie is the best.

Jillonnie I love and my 3 beautiful
Kids. Thanks for everything!

Love Jacob