Monday, June 9, 2008

My Dad

With Fathers Day coming up I thought I would share with every one how much I love and miss my dad. I sometimes forget he is really gone, it fills just like he is on one of his many surf or fishing trips. This is a long blog but I just wanted to post some of my favorite pictures. Just want my dad to know how much I love him and how much I miss him.

I never really liked this picture, I don't like the way I look in it, but its amazing how you get over yourself when you want to cherish every picture you have of someone. I thought I would share my last conversation with my dad, it was on New Years day. He called to make sure I was making black eyed peas. Ofcourse I was because it is my favorite tradition. My great grandpa always made sure we ate black eyed peas on new years day, and when he past away my dad kept up the tradition, and when I moved away I always made sure to make them for my friends and family. Anyway my dad called to make sure I was keeping up the tradition and when I said I was he said good girl... it was a short and sweet conversation, one I'll never forget.

This is and has been my favorite picture of my kids and my dad. It was taken Easter 2006.

This picture cracks me up. This is my dad and River when he was only a couple days old. Check out both of their right eyes.

This was the last day I saw my dad. This picture was taken December 28th.

This picture was taken at our house in Utah. My parents came that year for thanksgiving. I know my dad looks happy but he did nothing but complain the whole trip about how cold it was.

I took this picture during the prayer right before they all paddled out. This is Jacob and my dad's best friend Devin. I love this picture it always makes me fill very peaceful. I have it framed in my home and I love how it reminds me that although I feel sometimes my dad is far away, he is really just a prayer away and that sometimes feels closer than ever.

This was the paddle out we had for my dad the day after his funeral. It was Christians idea and I'm so happy he planned it because it was one of the coolest things to watch. I did not paddle out myself, I was pregnat and there was no wetsuit for me. My dad would totaly understand, he knows what a baby I can be, not to mention I'm his only daughter who does not surf.
Jacob said it was one of the most spiritual events he was a part of.


Autumn said...

I love and miss him so much too!
Thanks for making me cry!
Love you!
p.s.- check spelling on cherish and pregnant

The Mcclellan's said...

Jillonnie that was awesome, anyone that knows your dad knows what a great guy he is. That was a wonderful tribute to your dad. We all really miss him. I promise he gets better with time don't forget that.

Kristin said...

What a great tribute, Jillonie.