Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Shelby's visit to the eye doctor

Today we went to get Shelby's eyes checked out. She has great vision when reading far away, the problem is when she has to focus on thing in front of her face, her left eye goes cross eyed. Turns out she is far sided and her eye gets strained when she tries to focus on things close to her, that meant she was getting glasses! One of her favorite " Charlie & Lola" episodes is when a girl at school gets glasses so today was a good experience for her because in the cartoon all the kids really wanted glasses too, lets hope this cartoon stays true for real life kindergartners. This is Shelbers with her eyes dilated, she was very wide eyed, she did great although she told me she was very nerves waiting to see what was going to happen.

Cool shades to walk out to the car with!

I let Shelby pick out her own glasses, she tried lots on, but had a definate favorite.

This was the winner! Red with sparkly hearts on each side. They looked really cute and there is only so long you can wear sparkly heart glasses!


Autumn said...

You look so cute Shelbers!
Just like Molly!

Cathy said...

Love the glasses Shelby, great choice!

The Mcclellan's said...

Those are cute. I cant believe she got glasses